Frequently asked questions about Jeyser CRM. If you are looking for answers about doctypes,
go to doctypes FAQ
I followed the docker installation instructions but it doesn't work
Your best option is to Ask for support
Note The error is extremely likely to come from your side. Our installation process
is checked at every moment of our development process.
However, don't worry nothing is broken forever and we are pleased to help newcomers to the Jeyser community.
Which server shall I use ?
For every question on hosting read the install guide.
What is the difference between Incipio and Jeyser CRM ?
Incipio is the original name of Jeyser CRM. it is under that name that M-Gate released its ERP.
However, as long as it is a very common name among the web, we decided to change it to something more distinctive.
It comes from JE (for Junior-Entreprise) and ER (first letters of ERP).
Jeyser is an update of Incipio, therefore they should be compatible.
Do you provide hosting for Jeyser ?
No we don't. Hosting a software is a full time job to maintain servers, improve code, deliver a good quality of service.
We aren't looking for such experience, besides it would have a low profitability.
If you can't install Jeyser, ask us for support or to your engineering partner.
Can I install Jeyser on a shared hosting ?
Technically you can. However such installation will be time-consuming (even more than a custom installation)
and won't give the best from Jeyser. Several features such as Gantt export as image won't be possible and
some might be buggy. We invested a lot of time in the docker install, a VPS is definitely affordable,
thus we strongly advocate against an installation on a shared hosting. Keep in mind that we will provide
absolutely no support to such initiatives.
Why do you use Symfony ?
Because it's the best way to have a standard, consistent software.
It's a widely used framework, popular among PHP community, and definitely the best for complex systems.
Why Docker ?
Docker is the best option we have found to provide an easy installation, ready out of the box.
We use it ship configuration and content, to create a multi component application with ease and improve security.
Besides, it provides some interesting features about application state management.
Why don't you create images on the Docker Hub ?
Jeyser is managed with. If we were distributing Docker images through the Docker hub, it would create a lock and reduce the spirit of "keep control over your information system" we want to put in Jeyser.